4.27.18 - mean·ing
By Jazzalyn M. Bassey
what is meant by a word, text, concept, or action.
intended to communicate something that is not directly expressed.
What is the mean·ing to any of this?
The pain? The hurt? The ache in my chest?
Does it all fall into a greater good?
Could all of this bad really be 'for the best'?
I've been mean·ing to tell you a lot of things,
But no words seem to align when I try to speak.
They fall like pebbles off of the edge of a cliff,
Plunging into the choppy waters beneath.
What is the mean·ing behind the words in my brain?
They sit there, waiting for their turn to be spoken.
They'll rot before they stop their waiting,
Because I'm trying to prevent my heart from being broken.
I've been mean·ing to come clean, but
I believe I've already done it before.
I--no, just forget it.
No need to rub salt on an open sore.
what is meant by a word, text, concept, or action.
intended to communicate something that is not directly expressed.
What is the mean·ing to any of this?
The pain? The hurt? The ache in my chest?
Does it all fall into a greater good?
Could all of this bad really be 'for the best'?
I've been mean·ing to tell you a lot of things,
But no words seem to align when I try to speak.
They fall like pebbles off of the edge of a cliff,
Plunging into the choppy waters beneath.
What is the mean·ing behind the words in my brain?
They sit there, waiting for their turn to be spoken.
They'll rot before they stop their waiting,
Because I'm trying to prevent my heart from being broken.
I've been mean·ing to come clean, but
I believe I've already done it before.
I--no, just forget it.
No need to rub salt on an open sore.
email: jazzy.m.bassey@gmail.com
twitter: @jazzy_m_bassey
instagram: @jazzy_m_bassey
tumblr: jazzy-m-bassey
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